Growth of Large Medium Manufacturing Industry Production in the Sumatera Utara Province The first quarter of 2010 grew by 5.29 percent (y-on-y) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Deli Serdang Regency

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Growth of Large Medium Manufacturing Industry Production in the Sumatera Utara Province The first quarter of 2010 grew by 5.29 percent (y-on-y)

Growth of Large Medium Manufacturing Industry Production in the Sumatera Utara Province The first quarter of 2010 grew by 5.29 percent (y-on-y)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 2, 2018
File Size : 1.12 MB


• Production growth of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry of Sumatera Utara Province in the first quarter of 2018 increased by 5.29 percent compared to the same period in 2017 (y-on-y). The increase was mainly due to the increased production of tobacco processing industry by 29.96 percent, food industry by 22.15 percent, and metal goods industry, not machinery and equipment by 21.64 percent.
• The growth of production of large and medium manufacturing industries (q-to-q) of Sumatera Utara Province in the first quarter of 2018 decreased by 8.38 percent compared to the production of large and medium manufacturing industries in Q4 / 2017. wood, wood and cork goods and wicker goods from bamboo, rattan by 25.48 percent, paper and paper industry 15.42 percent, and rubber, rubber and plastic industries by 4.37 percent.
• Production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries in the first quarter of 2018 decreased by 0.28 percent compared to the same period in 2017 (y-on-y). The types of industries that experienced a decrease include other transportation equipment industry by 36.32 percent, rubber industry, goods of rubber and plastic by 24.51 percent and wood industry, wood and cork goods and bamboo wicker goods, rattan of 21.84 percent.
• Production growth of small and micro manufacturing industries of Sumatera Utara Province in quarter I-2018 increased by 1.91 percent compared to Q4 / 2017 (q-to-q). The industries that experienced an increase were basic metal industry by 50.00 percent, metal goods industry, not machinery and equipment by 13.26 percent, repair and installation service of machinery and equipment by 8.51 percent.
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