Coordination Meeting on Inflation Control and Strengthening of Statistical Collaboration - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Deli Serdang Regency

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Coordination Meeting on Inflation Control and Strengthening of Statistical Collaboration

Coordination Meeting on Inflation Control and Strengthening of Statistical Collaboration

January 6, 2025 | Other Activities

Lubuk Pakam, January 6, 2024 – Head of the Central Statistics Agency of Deli Serdang Regency, Elly Suharyadi, attended the Inflation Control Coordination Meeting held at the Deli Serdang Regent's Office. This meeting discussed efforts to control inflation in the region as well as strategic steps to realize food independence, cross-sector synergy in maintaining price stability, supporting food security, and strengthening cooperation between government agencies. The Head of BPS of Deli Serdang Regency, continued the meeting with Assistant II for Economics and Development, Khoirum Rijal. This inaugural meeting was used to strengthen communication and improve coordination in order to strengthen regional development synergy. Elly Suharyadi conveyed various strategic programs of BPS in 2025, including Desa Cinta Statistik (Beautiful Village) and Sectoral Statistics which aim to encourage regional and village governments to utilize statistical data as a basis for planning and policy making. "By optimizing statistical data, village governments in particular can contribute to supporting food security and making national programs a success, such as controlling inflation," he added. Through this collaboration, BPS Deli Serdang Regency is committed to continuing to support data-based regional policies and establishing closer cooperation with various parties to face future development challenges.
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