Training for Socio-Economic Registration Data Collection Officers (Regsosek) for Deli Serdang Regenc - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Deli Serdang Regency

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Training for Socio-Economic Registration Data Collection Officers (Regsosek) for Deli Serdang Regenc

Training for Socio-Economic Registration Data Collection Officers (Regsosek) for Deli Serdang Regenc

October 7, 2022 | BPS Activities

Prior to going into the field for work, the Regsosek data collection officers were trained in seven training centers (TC) spread across the Deli Serdang Regency area and divided into four training waves. The opening ceremony was also attended by local government officials and related agencies/agencies. This training was held from 27 September - 7 October 2022.
Regsosek itself aims to provide a database of the entire population consisting of profiles, social, economic conditions, and levels of welfare that are connected to the main population data and other databases down to the village/kelurahan level.
So, sir/madam/brother/sister, please be well received by the officers and provide true data.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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